“KESA – Sesshin”
Zen Dojo Amsterdam ‘Gyo Kai’
Friday 28 February, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 March 2025
The sesshin will be led by zenmaster Françoise ‘Kosen’ Laurent
Françoise Kosen Laurent, former model or Louis Ferraud! Françoise chose the sewing of the sacred robe of the Buddha and became one of the oldest nuns of Master Deshimaru. She sewed her first rakusu in 1976, when she was ordained a zen nun.
Co-founder of the second dojo on Pernety Street, called “the workshop”, where Deshimaru‘s real sangha truly began.
There, monks and nuns cooked the ’’guenmai’’ (traditional rice soup from the ancient Zen temples) that zazen participants ate every morning with Master Deshimaru. In this workshop, the kesa was sewn, and kimonos, kolomos, zafus were made ….. Later on, Françoise continued and deepened this practice, which she then taught in turn in the dojos and during the sesshins. And particularly at the temple of La Gendronnière.
In 2006, she met Master Kojun Kishigami, (last direct disciple of Master Kodo Sawaki), considered in Japan as a national treasure for his knowledge and practice of the kesa. Thanks to this relationship with Master Kishigami, she allows us today to deepen the study of the kesa “Nyoho e”, in the tradition of Master Dogen and Master Mensan.
A meeting not to be missed for those who are passionate about this subject or for those who want to advance the sewing of their own kesa or rakusu.“Master Kosen”
Data en tijden van de Sesshin:
Friday, 28-02 | 20.00 Informal reception (with light meal) |
Saturday 01-03 | zazen
Kesa + Rakusu sewing zazen |
Sunday 02-03 | zazen
Kesa + Rakusu sewing concluding with a lunch, ending around 15.00 |
Newcomers are welcome.
Zen Dojo Amsterdam ‘Gyo Kai’ – Andreas Bonnstraat 12 – 1092 AX Amsterdam
Price (including meals): € 60 or € 80 (depending on your income).
In verband met het beperkte aantal plaatsen is inschrijven verplicht: info@zendojoamsterdam.nl
Please register soon – we need to know the number of participants for the organisation of the sesshin.
Payment can be made by bank transfer to IBAN: NL89TRIO0391161024
Meer info: info@zendojoamsterdam.nl of +31 (0)6 444 00 270