Zen Meditation – Introduction Course (February / March 2025)
The next Introduction Course takes place on 5 consecutive Friday evenings, starting on February 7, 2025 .
An evening course starts at 6:00 pm and lasts two hours, until 8:00 pm.
The next Introduction Course takes place on 5 consecutive Friday evenings, starting on February 7, 2025 .
An evening course starts at 6:00 pm and lasts two hours, until 8:00 pm.
The essence of authentic Zen is the practice of sitting meditation (zazen). We sit quietly and attentively in a balanced position and let our thoughts pass, absolutely in the present moment, here and now. Full attention in the present moment is the essence of Zen.
During the course all important aspects of Zen practice are explained. We have divided the course in five evenings. Every lesson we will focus on one important aspect of the practice. From the first lesson on we will practice zazen in silence and the length of this zazen practice will be build up during the course. The language will be English and Dutch.
07-02: The position of the body during zen meditation.
We explain the attitude we adopt during Zen meditation. We sit on a cushion and sit upright.
14-02: The breathing.
In addition to assuming the correct posture, following and observing the breath is an essential element in Zen meditation.
21-02: The mental attitude.
We focus on what happens to thinking during meditation and how it relates to attention to posture and breathing.
07-03: The history of Zen.
Our practice is part of the Soto Zen tradition, a movement within Mahayana Buddhism. During this evening we will highlight the historical and traditional side of the practice.Zen and everyday life.
14-03: Zen and everyday life.
We will discuss the relationship between practice and daily life. Zen is preferably practiced without a purpose and this often contrasts with the demands of modern daily life.
We ask you to be present at least 10 minutes before the start. It is recommended to wear loose and comfortable clothes and leave jewelry and phones in our dressing room or at home.
The course costs €100.
Payment entitles you to the course and regular Zen practice in our dojo during the course, as well as a whole month after the course. Payment is possible on the first course day, but you can of course also transfer the amount digitally in advance, to our bank account
NL89TRIO0391161024, in the name of. Zen Dojo Amsterdam.
You can register for the course via our website, info@zendojoamsterdam.nl, or by calling 06-44400270.
For any questions about the next Introduction Course, please contact info@zendojoamsterdam.nl, or call 06-44400270.
Our address is Andreas Bonnstraat 12, 1091 AX Amsterdam.